济南电动门封闭不正常有哪些原因? 当前位置:首页 > 新闻与技术 > 详细内容


    Ji'nan electric door in the use of the process due to improper use, or there are some problems when how to deal with it? To find out the cause of the problem, and then the problem is easy to solve a lot of. Today's small for everyone to share in Ji'nan electric door closed several irregularities.
    1.始终保持开启状态,引发此问题的原因可能是感应器损坏,始终有开门信号输入给控制器,可能是济南电动门 http://www.sdwoerde.com/ 遥控器或模式切换开关调整到了敞开状态,假如是安装有门禁系统,可能是门禁系统继电器损坏。
    1 always remain open state, causing this problem may be the cause of sensor damage, always have the door signal input to the controller, may be Ji'nan electric door remote control or mode switch to adjust to the open state, if it is installed with access control system, may be access control system relay damage.
    2. The action, but can not be closed in the, this reason is sensors have opened the door of the input signal, is the range sensor in the presence of the interfering and compared: direct sunlight, the movement of objects and unstable light source.
    The actual Ji'nan electric door maintenance should be simplified and complex, the first rule out the simple cause of failure, and then gradually troubleshooting.

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