暴雨天气停车场车牌识别系统如何套牌查处 当前位置:首页 > 新闻与技术 > 详细内容




    Vehicle monitoring application is very extensive, in the domestic application has reached a climax, mainly used in the field of public transport and transport. At present, many cities have realized the comprehensive monitoring of the bus, and many cities have to keep up with the pace. It is the emergence of a more powerful solution to traffic problems, so that the real implementation of intelligent traffic management, so that traffic management more orderly. Car park license plate recognition system applications will be rapid development.

    据介绍,停车场车牌识别系统 http://www.sdwoerde.com/ 即卡口系统采用先进的、高清晰度的前端图像采集技术,其图片有效分辨率比常规的CCTV系统提高数倍,解决以往系统前端采集设备成像质量差的弊病。系统建成后将可以实现对道路交通相关区域的实时监控,对各种交通行为进行自动记录取证,对嫌疑车辆进行自动布控,并在两端出入口执勤点进行拦截等功能,满足公安部门对社会治安管理和监控的需求。卡口系统的总体发展趋势向着高清卡口的方向发展,同时也不再由单一的交通管理部门使用,而是由公安、交警、刑侦等多部门协同使用。

    According to reports, parking bayonet system, which is a kind of field of license plate recognition system using advanced, high-definition front-end image acquisition technology, the active picture resolution than conventional CCTV system is improved by a plurality of times, to solve the shortcomings in previous system front-end equipment acquisition poor imaging quality. After the completion of the system can achieve real-time monitoring of road traffic related area, all kinds of traffic behaviors of automatic recording of evidence, the suspect vehicle for automatic surveillance, and at both ends of the entrance on duty interception capabilities, to meet the needs of public security departments of public security management and monitoring. The overall trend of the development of bayonet system definition bayonet toward the direction, but also no longer by the traffic management departments in single use, but by the police, traffic police, criminal investigation departments collaborative use.


    Therefore, in order to improve the rapid response of criminal and security cases, treatment and further prevention ability, set the bayonet system for social security is of great practical significance. The use of high-tech equipment construction HD security monitoring system, not only can timely and accurately record the motor or non motor vehicles, pedestrians, keep abreast of the entrance of the motor and non motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic state, the state, dynamic monitoring of vehicle dynamic surveillance and pedestrians, on all kinds of illegal vehicles and stolen, hit and run the vehicle, suspected of committing the crime (stored in the "black list" Library) real-time alarm, but also pedestrian state key sections of the monitoring and the stolen vehicle, the vehicle or the criminal vehicle import and city time and routes, which enhance the police frontline combat crimes and fighting capacity, thus providing science, an effective basis for the rapid detection of cases. Relying on the city public security management information system network and traffic command center management system, will be distributed on the main traffic policing bayonet management system merge into an organic integrated network platform and the implementation of data sharing, as an authorized user to provide remote services and web query, so that the command center can always call the bayonet information.


    Working principle of vehicle identification system for parking lot


    Vehicle detection: using after buried coil detection, infrared detection, radar detection, video detection in a variety of ways to perceive vehicle, and trigger image acquisition to capture.


    Image acquisition: through high-definition video capture, the host real-time traffic vehicle uninterrupted recording, acquisition.


    Preprocessing: noise filtering, automatic white balance, automatic exposure, gamma correction, edge enhancement, contrast adjustment, etc..


    The license plate location: after the image preprocessing, the image is scanned and the license plate region is determined.


    Character segmentation: after locating the license plate in the image, by gray scale, binarization and so on, the precise location of the character region, and then according to the character of the character of the character of the segmentation.


    Character recognition: feature extraction, feature extraction, and standard character expression form of character database template.


    Results output: the results of the license plate recognition in text format output.

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